DASHBOARD oh how I miss thee!
Dashboard oh dashboard how I miss thee, how I wish TSR had kept thee on board!
Your features can't all be so easily found any more....
Without you it makes findining recent comments on our submissions quite the chore.
And bookmarks....it was another way for us lower level artists to know that we SHOULD KEEP SUBMITTING our work more.
Amongst the things I miss most from before it is YOU oh beloved DASHBOARD that I ADORED!
Ode to the now missing (unless I've missed something) "dashboard". It was a nice quick & easy way of finding/seeing if any new comments had been left on any pix/sumissions/stories/blogs which sometimes have been OLDER submissions (I've had pix, stories, lots, walls, & pets that all had NEW comments well after 1yr mark). And as a non FA/SA aside from the #s of downloads we get over-all (which for TS2 is NOT what it used to be not even a year ago.) to let us know if people like what we've submitted, seeing that a new person had bookmarked me not only let me know that I was doing at least a 1/2 decent job on my quality & style of work. I love creating but it does take quite a bit longer to make things submitable vs. just play-able for MYSELF.....so that was one of those things that let me know......"OK so just MAYBE I SHOULD keep on submitting, since people do seem to like my work I'll go ahead & keep on packaging up my wals & making collages.". I submit instead of just going in & decorating more of MY lots or moving on to the next project.....AND playing less & creating more. As long as even a handful of people do continue to download my work I'll continue to submit.....but I DO miss that extra little incentive.
To TSR staff: this was not meant to make waves or irrotate, but as a "playful" way of pleading & groveling to get a few of the old features that were available from dashboard BACK. ;)